Missing Method in ObjecteditController

Error: The action edit is not defined in controller ObjecteditController

Error: Create ObjecteditController::edit() in file: app/controllers/objectedit_controller.php.

class ObjecteditController extends AppController {

	var $name = 'Objectedit';

	function edit() {



Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app/views/errors/missing_action.ctp

Debug timer info
MessageStart Time (ms)End Time (ms)Duration (ms)
Core Processing (Derived)05859
Component initialization and startup58601
Controller action60622
Component initialization and startup #261660
Render Controller Action62660
Debug timer info
MessageStart Time (ms)End Time (ms)Duration (ms)
Core Processing (Derived)0-1715258808134-1715258808134
Component initialization and startup58601
Controller action60622
Component initialization and startup #261660
Render Controller Action62660